Monday, March 1, 2010

Get to know your computer...

With all the Oscar buzz lately I think this directorial masterpiece is more than appropriate. Mike the Monitor, Mickey the Mouse, Kylie the Keyboard, and Charlie the CPU introduce 1st grader Omar to computer parts and some valuable computer etiquette. "Don't bang the mouse!"

Just the thought of a 1st grader working on his/her functional literacy gives me the chills. But then I remember my 4-year-old niece and nephew with their video games and electonic toy laptops (with full-functioning keyboards I might add) and realize 1st grade isn't all that crazy after all (sigh).

1 comment:

Josh said...

I can remember "banging" the controller on my Nintendo when it would freeze up right when I was about to kill Koopa. The functional frustration that comes from dealing with technology is a timeless ordeal,