Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crackberry Lovin: Keeping up with a world that refuses to wait.

I switched from my old-school flip to the hot new Blackberry because it’s what’s in and necessary to keep my swag going in today’s technologically advancing world. Now I can check who’s hollering at my email while keeping up with the latest ENGMA post. I can SMS, MMS, BBM, IM, and check my Facebook wall for shout-outs all in the same crackberry sesh. As soon as something comes to mind I could tweet it and the Twitter world will instantly be updated on my personal state of mind, thinking on the same page. i cn write 2 u like ths n u hve no prob readin it. We can LOL and ROTFL, talking about what’s hot, what’s real, what’s good, and what’s not. I can text with you today and tell another friend tomorrow that I spoke with you yesterday when, actually, I haven’t spoken to you in over a year. LMAO.

I was teaching my mom to check her voicemail (for the 3rd time) and realized afterward: Today is not like yesterday. Shoot, it doesn’t even sound anything remotely similar. The world seems to be getting smaller and bigger simultaneously.

(BTW, real reason I finally upgraded is because I dropped my old phone into a restroom urinal).

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