Monday, January 25, 2010

Contemplating Selfe-Defense...

Before class on Wednesday a few of us were talking about the Selfe reading and agreed that much of what she has to say is valid, that paying attention to technology is of utter importance, but also agreed that the book seems a bit outdated. Of course, in Selfe’s defense, she published the book in 1999, and paraphrasing a classmate, she was definitely thinking ahead of her day, saying things few others were even considering at the time. But in doing further research on my technology-driven thesis topic, I’ve come to realize that it makes sense that this type of writing becomes obsolete along with the technologies in mention. We upgrade our computers, phones, i-pods, you name it. We buy the latest thing, knowing well that a better version is just around the corner, waiting to make us yesterday’s news. Still, this realization brings me back to 1999—lending to exactly why Selfe insists that we need to pay attention. The rate at which technology is moving seems almost immeasurable. The exponential growth of technology means that the “critical technological literacy” that Selfe calls for must try to keep pace. We must continue to pay attention, keep track, and update (or “upgrade”) our writing as well.

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